Product Description
Octane Booster (for petrol engines): Product description: Addinol Octane Booster has been developed to increase the octane number in petrol engines and is used to increase performance and as an additive for inferior fuel. The increase is up to 5 octane points (ROZ/RON) - depending on the fuel quality. Features: Addinol Octane Booster optimises the performance of the engine and the combustion process, protecting against friction and wear. Addinol Octane Booster can reduce engine noise such as "knocking" and prevent mechanical damage. Addinol Octane Booster is also suitable for low quality fuels and/or a low octane number. Application: 300ml is sufficient for 60-80 litres of fuel. Addinol Octane Booster is added to the petrol in the fuel tank. Addinol Octane Booster can be used with any tank filling.