
ADDINOL ECONOMIC 020   Product description ADDINOL Economic 020 is a fuel-efficient high-performance engine oil in SAE-grade 0W-20 with decreased HTHS viscosity...   The ideal combination of fully synthetic base oils and innovative additives guarantees an outstanding...


ADDINOL  SAE API SP 10W-40 Product description ADDINOL Semi Synth 1040 is a fuel-saving, semi-synthetic fuel-economy oil in SAE-grade 10W-40. The combination of high quality mineral oil raffinates and synthetic base oils with a modern...


ADDINOL SUPERIOR 0530 RN Product description ADDINOL Superior 0530 RN is a fuel-efficient high-performance engine oil SAE class 5W-30. The optimal combination of modern synthesis technology and innovative additives guarantees outstanding performance with Mid SAPS- and longlife-III-character....


Addinol Super Star MX 2057 20W-50 4L ADDINOL Super Star MX 2057 is an engine oil of SAE grade 20W-50 and is based on mineral oil raffinates and a selected additive combination meeting the requirements...


ADDINOL AHF 22 S DESCRIPTION   ADDINOL AHF 22 S is a fully synthetic high-performance hydraulic oil for lifetime use in modern motor vehicle units. Can be used in all extreme environmental conditions and retains its...


ADDINOL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OIL CVT DESCRIPTION   ADDINOL ATF CVT is a synthetic high-performance transmission oil of the latest development, specially designed for use in continuous automatic transmissions (CVT). The high-quality base oil base and the...


Addinol ATF DCT / 1 Liter ADDINOL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OIL DCT DESCRIPTION ADDINOL ATF DCT is a fully synthetic automatic transmission oil of the latest development, especially for use in passenger cars with dual-clutch transmissions (DSG,...


ADDINOL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION OIL XN 6 DESCRIPTION   ADDINOL ATF XN 6 is a synthetic high-performance transmission oil for automatic transmissions with improved component protection and increased shifting comfort. Thanks to its high electrical resistivity, it...


Product Description ADDINOL Brake Fluid is a fully-synthetic fluid of type DOT 4. The product is based on glycol ether and contains corrosion inhibitors as well as anti-oxidation additives.APPLICATIONExcellent suitability for hydraulic brake and clutch...


Product Description -Dissolves and removes all soot residues and contamination in the catalytic converter and oxygen sensor. -Reduces the accumulation of new soot and carbon particles. -Restores the performance of the catalytic converter, oxygen sensor...


Product Description Addinol Diesel Fuel System Cleaner has been developed to clean the fuel system from the tank to the combustion chamber of the engine and can be used in all diesel engines.   APPLICATION...


Product Description Octane Booster (for petrol engines): Product description: Addinol Octane Booster has been developed to increase the octane number in petrol engines and is used to increase performance and as an additive for inferior...

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